When you are slammed with drug possession charges, you could be feeling stressed over the upcoming legal proceedings and possible penalties. During this critical time, it is important to obtain strong representation from a Colorado Springs drug crime lawyer who understands your rights and can utilize effective defense strategies to secure your future.
Strong Defense Tactics
While preparing a defense plan, it is important to thoroughly review your case to ensure your rights weren’t violated at the time of your arrest. If an illegal search and seizure occurred, the drugs found in your possession may not be used at trial. Law enforcement may not search your vehicle or home without your consent, lawful search warrant, or probable cause.
Another defense tactics involves unwitting possession, which is when you are unaware that you had drugs in your possession. The drugs could have been stashed in your vehicle, bag, or person against your knowledge. Your lack of knowledge, could be a valid defense to have your charges reduced or dismissed completely.
Also, it is important to have a crime lab perform an analysis of the substance to determine if it was actually a drug. If the substance found in your possession was never analyzed, went missing, or the testing was inconclusive, it will be difficult to prosecute you for drug possession.
If you are facing drug possession charges, do not hesitate to reach out to Damascus Road Law Group to speak with a Colorado Springs drug crime attorney today!