Colorado Springs Embezzlement Defense Attorney
Experienced El Paso County Embezzlement Defense
White collar crime is a blanket term that encompasses a wide range of offenses. This category includes everything from fraud to forgery to identity theft. One of the most serious white collar crimes is embezzlement, which is the unlawful taking of property by someone who has been entrusted with that property.
If you are facing embezzlement charges, it is critical to retain the services of an experienced Colorado Springs embezzlement defense lawyer. An experienced defense attorney can help you avoid the serious penalties associated with this offense.
At Damascus Road Law Group, we understand that you may be facing serious consequences if you are convicted of embezzlement. We know how to challenge the evidence against you and fight for your rights. Let us help you.
Request a free initial consultation online or at (719) 354-2052 to learn more.
What Is Embezzlement in Colorado?
Embezzlement is the act of fraudulently obtaining another person's property by using that person's credit, property, or money. It is a type of theft, but it is considered a white collar crime because it is a nonviolent offense that does not involve force or violence. The term embezzlement comes from a combination of the words "embezzle" and "detain."
Embezzlement can occur in a variety of contexts. For example, an employee may embezzle money from an employer by writing unauthorized checks to themselves or by stealing cash from the company's register. A spouse may embezzle money from a spouse's bank account by writing unauthorized checks.
The penalties for embezzlement can be severe. In Colorado, the penalties depend on the amount of money or property that was embezzled. For example, if the property or money involved is valued at $250 or more, the offense is a felony and is punishable by four years in prison and a fine of $2,000 to $500,000. If the property or money involved is valued at less than $250, the offense is a misdemeanor and is punishable by one year in jail and a fine of $500 to $5,000.
How Do Prosecutors Prove Embezzlement in Colorado?
To convict you of embezzlement, the prosecution must prove a number of elements beyond just the act of embezzling. For example, the prosecution must prove that you had a legal right to the money or property in question. For example, if you are accused of stealing from your employer, the prosecution must prove that you were an employee of the company at the time of the alleged theft. The prosecution may also have to prove that you intended to permanently deprive the owner of the money or property.
The prosecution may attempt to prove these elements by offering evidence such as surveillance footage or witness testimony. If you are facing embezzlement charges, it is important to have an experienced Colorado Springs embezzlement defense lawyer on your side.
How Do I Challenge an Embezzlement Charge?
If you are facing embezzlement charges, you need an experienced Colorado Springs embezzlement defense lawyer. Your future is on the line, and the prosecution will do everything in its power to convict you. We may be able to challenge the evidence against you and get your charges reduced or dismissed.
We may be able to challenge the evidence against you and get your charges reduced or dismissed.
Our Colorado Springs embezzlement defense attorney can challenge the prosecution's evidence in a number of ways. For example, we may be able to challenge the chain of custody of the evidence. This means that we can show that the prosecution did not take proper care of the evidence and that it may have been tampered with. We may also be able to challenge the reliability of witnesses who testified against you.
To learn more about how we can help you, contact Damascus Road Law Group today. We will listen to your side of the story and provide you with the legal guidance you need.
Request a free initial consultation online or at (719) 354-2052 to learn more.

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